• The aim of the master program is to, through knowledge, experience, and research build capacities that will reduce disaster risks and contribute to better and more targeted public health-based relief following disasters


  • i. To increase the knowledge and understanding of the disaster phenomenon, its different contextual aspects, impacts, and public health consequences;
  • ii.  To increase the knowledge and understanding of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) and to increase skills and abilities for implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Strategy;
  • iii.  To ensure skills and abilities to analyze potential effects of disasters and of the strategies and methods to deliver public health response to avert these effects;
  • iv.  To ensure skills and ability to design, implement and evaluate research on disasters”.


  • Environmental Science, environmental engineers, civil engineers, water and soil engineers, biomedical engineers, and other students from related areas:

Overall Course Structure

SemesterCredit hrsSubjects Field/ ModuleCredit hrs
I18Public Health in Disasters18
ii16Environmental Health Engineering16
iii16Engineering in Disasters16
iv14Internship and Master Dissertation4-2-8 (14)
   64 credit

1st Semester

 CodeCourse TitleCredit hrs
1EHD 511Fundamental of Disasters4
2EHD 512International Framework in Disaster2
3EHD 513Impacts of Disasters on Public Health, Economy and Development2
4EHD 514Public Health Response in Disasters2
5EHD 515Disaster Risk Analysis, Assessment, Management and Reduction4
6EHD 516Governance and Crisis Management in Disaster4

2nd Semester

SNCodeCourse TitleCredit hrs
1EHD 551Fundamentals of Territorial Planning2
2EHD 552Geographic Information Systems2
3EHD 553Water Systems in Disaster2
4EHD 554Wastewater Systems in Disaster2
5EHD 555Solid and Hazard Waste Systems in Disaster2
6EHD 556Disasters, Structural Integrity and Restoration2
7EHD 557Air and Noise Control2
8 EHD 558Strategic Planning2
Total 16

3rd Semester

 CodeCourse TitleCredit hrs
1EHD 601 System Design for Emergencies2
2EHD 602Project management in Disaster2
3 EHD 603Medical Technology in Disaster2
4EHD 604Information Technology management in disasters2
5EHD 605Case Study and Independent Study in Engineering and Management in Disasters4 (2+2)
6EHD 606Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management4


SN CodeCourse TitleCredit hrs
1EHD 651Research methodology4
2EHD 699AInternship 2
3EHD 699BDissertation8